In the past years the educational, research and applicative activities of the Faculty of Agriculture – Stip, Goce Delcev University – Stip, contributed to the development of agriculture sector in the country and broader region.


19 и 20 април 2023
Свечена сала Кампус 2, Земјоделски факултет

Програма (pdf.)

Во изминативе седумнаесет години образовните, научноистражувачките и апликативните активности на Земјоделскиот факултет при Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип дадоа голем придонес за развој на земјоделскиот сектор во Република Северна Македонија и поширокиот регион.


In the past years the educational, research and applicative activities of the Faculty of Agriculture – Stip, Goce Delcev University – Stip, contributed to the development of agriculture sector in the country and broader region.
The Faculty of Agriculture organizes the 3rd International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2023), giving an opportunity to the participants for presentation and discussion of original scientific and practical results in different fields of agriculture.
The 3rd International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2023) is organized with intention to bring together all agricultural stakeholders for sharing their knowledge, experience and obstacles. One of the main aims is to link research and field work in agricultural sector in the country and broader, giving it an international dimension. 

The main goal of the Meeting is to connect and promote scientific achievements and practical knowledge presented in different thematic areas.

The Second Announcement gives valuable information about sections, important dates, fee, venue and preliminary programme of the Meeting:


* Deadline for abstract submission is 31 March, 2023

With great pleasure we invite you to actively participate in the Meeting.

Second Announcement_ASP 2023_en(.pdf)

Секретар/Технички секретар

Елизабета Д. Барбареева
Тел: +389 32 550 600
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Адреса: ул. „Гоце Делчев“ бр. 89
Пош. фах 201, Штип - 2000, Р. Северна Македонија

Студентски прашања

Штип/Прилеп - Иван Јосифов 

Тел: +389 32 550 071

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Струмица - Аница Удовалиева

Тел: +389 32 550 250

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